Online Art Therapy in Austin, TX for Anxiety, Depression, & Stress
ignite your creative spark to transform overwhelm, unhappiness, & burnout
serving adults in Texas, Indiana, & Arizona
You’re running on empty
Your feet are dragging, and it’s hard to find the oomph you once put into your life. Being there for others is important to you, but now you wonder when it’ll be your turn to be on the receiving end of some TLC. You know you can’t pour from an empty cup…
Your stress is actually interfering with your relationships
The to-do list grows, and sometimes you wish you could just burn it already. It’s the thing that stands between you and really connecting with others–and yourself. Sometimes you ghost your friends and family because you just don’t have the energy to connect with anyone.
You didn’t know that being an adult would come with anxiety and depression
Is this the dream you were chasing after? No. Being there for others has both rewarded and robbed you, and here you are, scrolling around on the internet looking for a way up and out of this endless cycle of giving to and being taken from.
Creativity is the way out of your stress
Your creative juices ran dry quite some time ago, but you still remember what it was like to rejuvenate yourself with fresh ideas and approaches to life. And although those days seem far away now, they might be closer than you think. All you need is someone to show you how to tap back into your creative flow so you can go with it and infuse your life with vitality and clarity.
I’m here to help you ignite your creative spark
My name is Megan, and I help people learn how to make a difference in their OWN lives. I’m a board-certified art therapist and licensed counselor who believes in your infinite potential for living authentically and creatively. The clients I’ve worked with have told me my strengths-based approach has provided a relaxing environment for reconnecting with themselves and feeling safe as they unpacked all the messaging about what it means to be there for others, reuniting with their personal truth so they can align body, heart, mind, and spirit.
Isn’t it time for YOU to shine?
If you’re ready to say “YES” to yourself and tap into your creative flow at long last, contact me for a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation. We’ll explore how working together online through art therapy can help you make a difference in your OWN life and put the wings back on your feet. It’s never too late to create a better outcome for yourself!
Online therapy: Support in the comfort and convenience of your own home
Online sessions eliminate the extra stress of dealing with unpredictable traffic and awkward waiting rooms.
If you think you’ve lost your heart, the safety and security of home is the best place to start looking for its warm glow.