For Self-sacrificing Therapists in Austin, TX and Everywhere, Part II

stone steps with pots of geranium flowers, representing how art therapy in Austin can help people take steps to heal anxiety and overwhelm

What beautiful dreams do you have for your work as a therapist?  What do you hope to give the world in a way that only you can?  How many steps away are you from making these things come true?

You Are Expected to Put Others’ Needs Ahead of Your Own

Putting others’ needs first is how most therapists have been taught to do things—if their childhood hadn’t already trained them to operate that way.  And if you’re a therapist in Austin, TX who identifies with this mindset, have you ever really sat down and thought about how putting others’ needs ahead of your own and living your dreams never seem to happen simultaneously?

Being a Therapist in Austin, TX Means You Tell Yourself Things Will Change

brook with stepping stones, representing how art therapy in Austin can help people take steps to heal depression

But in essence, they can’t change.  That’s because prioritizing others’ needs means you tend to put your effort and energy into helping them live their dreams.

There isn’t enough effort and energy left at the end of any day to take steps toward living your own dreams.  And for a while this doesn’t seem so bad—you imagine that someday there’ll be time to prioritize yourself.

You Feel Guilty for Wanting More Than You’ve Been Given

One day you realize you’re a little resentful of the mismatch between how you spend your time vs. how you wish you could spend your time as a therapist in Austin, TX.  You might even feel ashamed of being resentful.  After all, weren’t you told that making a difference in the lives of others should be enough?

Being a Therapist in Austin, TX Means You Have a Right to Fulfillment

Making a difference in the lives of others should not come at your personal expense.  And the feelings you have about this are not only normal, they help guide you toward what comes next—which doesn’t have to be an exit from your career.

What comes next can be the catalyst for stepping into those beautiful dreams you’ve carried inside, only you have to start creating them in the external world first.  And that’s when you realize you have a Self…so it’s time to stop self-sacrificing!

You Can Create a Better Outcome for Yourself and Your Clients

In “Part 2: Systemic Self-sacrifice” (below), I speak with host Erin Gibb of Therapist Expanded and use this guest opportunity to help listeners understand how they can take action to create a better outcome in life and begin stepping away from fantasies that the mental health system will change.  Those fantasies leave therapists in a passive/helpless role, and creating is the antidote to passivity and helplessness.

While Part 1 is about systemic conditioning, in Part 2 I support listeners in deciphering the myth of self-care and offer hopeful guidance for breaking free of myths and fantasies so people can create the circumstances necessary for really living the dream.  I hope you’ll give the podcast episode a listen, as you deserve to step into a life you love—being a therapist in Austin, TX should feel GREAT!

Take a Step Toward Fulfillment with Art Therapy in Austin, TX

misty mountains with stepping stones and flowering plants, representing how art therapy in Austin can help people take steps to heal stress and burnout

If you want to know more about how creativity can help you transform a life of self-sacrifice into a life of self-sustenance, please contact me.  I offer a 15-minute consultation at no charge to hear your needs and discuss how art therapy and my approach can create stepping stones to living your dreams.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and that’s also how you can begin to create a better outcome for yourself—by taking that first step.  To learn how I support those who’ve made a career out of making a difference in other people’s lives, visit my About page.                


Where is Art Therapy Most Popular in Austin, TX?


For Self-sacrificing Therapists in Austin, TX and Everywhere, Part I