Expressive Therapies Continuum Consulting, Supervision, and Training
Get great outcomes as an expressive therapist

Live webinar:
Embodying Empathic Attunement Within the Expressive Therapies Continuum
Saturday, April 12, 2025 / 10:15-11:15 AM Pacific Time
As an art, dance/movement, drama, or music therapist, guiding your clients toward better outcomes is your top priority. The Expressive Therapies Continuum (ETC) is a model that can help you create therapeutic shifts in a client’s capacity for integrating.
Quality, researched, expert information and support are available to assist you in developing fluency with this outcome-informed framework for case conceptualization and clinical decision making in the provision of individualized treatment.
Subscribe below for Expressive Therapies Continuum announcements and receive an ETC bibliography for FREE!
What Is the Expressive Therapies Continuum?
The Expressive Therapies Continuum is so much more than a framework for using art in therapy, though it is that too! Read on to learn about what makes the Expressive Therapies Continuum relevant in the provision of responsive, outcome-informed, client-centered care. If you've never thought about these aspects of the Expressive Therapies Continuum, this article is for you.
Expressive Therapies Continuum Supervision
Expressive Therapies Continuum Supervision: now available for expressive therapies practitioners, educators, and researchers!
Are you wondering how to best implement this nervous system-informed, pantheoretical framework in your mission to serve others? Are you wanting to rise above the limitations of operating without support and guidance in the application of ETC principles?
Please consider joining an ETC supervision cohort for practitioners or an ETC supervision meeting for educators or researchers. These are designed to provide you with the feedback you need to feel more confident about your ability to bring the ETC to others in a way that aligns with good outcomes and the intentions of the model's co-creators, pioneer art therapists Vija Lusebrink and Sandra (Kagin) Graves-Alcorn.
for Practitioners
Monthly Supervision Cohort
Need a way to level up your implementation of ETC knowledge and skills? A monthly supervision cohort will support you with individualized attention while you learn and grow with others who want to excel in their ability to create value through their work serving people. Supervision cohorts will focus on a specific ETC topic to provide greater clarity about an important application of the framework.
Upcoming Cohort Information:
cohort focus: ETC treatment planning
cohort format: virtual (Zoom)
cohort maximum: five (5) participants
session dates: 03/20/25, 04/17/25, 05/15/25, and 06/19/25 (3rd Thursdays)
session times: 4:30-5:45 PM Pacific Time
investment: $102.00 USD per 75-minute session (total = $408.00 USD for five [5] hours of supervision)
If you’re ready to explore the Expressive Therapies Continuum in ways you haven’t so you can apply the model to your work more effectively, please submit the practitioner registration inquiry form. The deadline is 03/13/24. Questions? Contact me at
for Educators
As-you-need-it Supervision Meetings
Educators require specialized supervision; the tasks associated with imparting ETC knowledge to students and encouraging their ETC skill set are myriad. As-you-need-it supervision meetings offer the perfect place for you to seek feedback about the good work you’re doing so you can do great work instead. Individualized attention will be provided in addition to the shared learning experience that comes from co-creating with other educators.
Upcoming Meeting Information:
meeting focus: determined by participant needs
meeting format: virtual (Zoom)
meeting maximum: five (5) participants
session date: 05/10/2025 (Saturday)
session time: 10:15-11:30 AM Pacific Time
investment: $102.00 USD for 75 minutes
If you’re ready to lighten your Expressive Therapies Continuum load so you can teach the framework with more confidence, please submit the educator registration inquiry form. The deadline is 05/03/25. Questions? Contact me at
for Researchers
As-you-need-it Supervision Meetings
Researchers are behind-the-scenes heroes who provide practitioners and educators with fodder for the work they do and shine light in areas that most need it. For that reason, they deserve support to ensure their own work, whether it’s a dissertation or an international initiative, accurately aligns with the ETC when they refer to the framework. As-you-need-it supervision meetings allow for the exchange of ideas with others while you receive individualized feedback.
Upcoming Meeting Information:
meeting focus: determined by participant needs
meeting format: virtual (Zoom)
meeting maximum: five (5) participants
session date: 04/13/2025 (Sunday)
session time: 9:15-10:30 AM Pacific Time
investment: $102.00 USD for 75 minutes
If your path of inquiry takes you into aspects of the Expressive Therapies Continuum you’ve read about but never clarified beyond this, please submit the researcher registration inquiry form. The deadline is 04/06/25. Questions? Contact me at
FREE 5th Friday Virtual Office Hours
Just what the doctor ordered! An opportunity for you to ask any and all questions about the Expressive Therapies Continuum. The audience will be limited to 25 members.
The upcoming virtual Q&A session will be held on 05/30/25 from 3:00 to 4:15 PM Pacific Time. Registration will open in early May, and newsletter recipients will be the first to know! Have you signed up and received your FREE Expressive Therapies Continuum bibliography?
recent Expressive Therapies Continuum webinars
More about the Expressive Therapies Continuum
Megan VanMeter, MA, LPC, LMHC, LPC-AT/S, ATR-BC
Hello! I’m a first-generation Expressive Therapies Continuum student who completed formal study and supervision with Drs. Vija Lusebrink and Sandra (Kagin) Graves-Alcorn, art therapy pioneers and co-creators of the ETC, while earning my master’s degree in art therapy at the University of Louisville. For the last dozen years or so I’ve been giving ETC presentations and workshops to help art therapists understand the the principles of this model, though there’s so much more information to share, so many more art therapists to reach, and so many other expressive therapists to bring into the circle.
The expressive therapies are mental health’s original embodied, experiential, implicit, integrative professions. Accordingly, the Expressive Therapies Continuum describes the relationships between physical, emotional, and intellectual aspects of the mental image formation process and the shift between nonconsciousness and consciousness. As a developmentally grounded, pantheoretical framework for individualized, outcome-informed treatment, the ETC serves as a model for integrating a client’s mental world and is of particular relevance to clinicians whose graduate educational process prioritized the nonverbal over the verbal (i.e., expressive therapists).
From one expressive therapist to another, I’m offering you a labor-of-love Expressive Therapies Continuum bibliography to support you in leveling up your knowledge of this framework through information from vetted sources. This document has also been divided into generational sections so you can follow the transmission of ideas from Drs. Lusebrink and (Kagin) Graves-Alcorn to their direct descendants. Please enter your email address in the form below to receive the bibliography as well as periodic ETC news, such as announcements about upcoming presentations and workshops, additions to the bibliography, and maybe even a few pointers here and there.
Subscribe below for Expressive Therapies Continuum announcements and receive an ETC bibliography for FREE!
Meet the Co-creators of the Expressive Therapies Continuum
Vija Lusebrink, PhD, ATR-BC, HLM
3 interrelated levels of information processing in the development of mental imagery: (1) physical, (2) emotional, & (3) intellectual
Sandra (Kagin) Graves-Alcorn, PhD, ATR-BC, LPAT
3 interdependent variables that influence client output in the art therapy process: (1) task complexity, (2) task structure, & (3) media properties
Looking for other services?
In addition to offering Expressive Therapies Continuum consulting, supervision, and training for expressive therapists around the world, I also provide ETC-based anxiety therapy and depression therapy for adults in Texas, Indiana, and Arizona. Contact me for more info!