Questions to Ask an Art Therapist in Austin, TX

like this graffiti image says, “QUESTION EVERYTHING” when asking about art therapy in Austin, Texas!

So you’re shopping for a therapist in Austin, TX and have narrowed down the field to a few picks who work creatively with their clients and claim to be art therapists.  What’s next?

For one thing, you want to make sure that these people really are art therapists—click here for an article that tells you how to do that.  But once you’ve confirmed that the clinicians you’re considering are legally able to hold themselves out as art therapists in Texas, then what?  You get to interview them!


A Consultation is a Chance for You to Interview an Art Therapist in Austin, TX

Most art therapists in Austin, TX (and other therapists too) offer a complimentary consultation, either via phone or video platform such as Zoom.  The purpose of this consultation is to do a two-way interview: the clinician will ask you a bunch of questions about yourself, and you will ask the clinician a bunch of questions too.  What are the questions you should ask?

Well, keep in mind that the art therapist is using the consultation to find out what your needs are and whether you’re a good fit for their knowledge base and skill set (if not, they should offer to point you in the direction of other therapists who more closely match what you’re after).  YOU have the opportunity to use the consultation for finding out whether the art therapist is a good fit for your personality and working style.  Understanding that will guide your interviewing process!

Pay Attention to Your Feelings When Interviewing an Art Therapist in Austin, TX

First and foremost, pay attention to how you feel during the consultation.  If you feel nervous in the beginning, that might be normal.  Give it a few minutes; after you’ve been talking with the art therapist for a little bit, you might get a sense of how they affect (or don’t affect) your mood and motivation.

I’ve hung a mirror near my desk so I can glance at the face I see in it—mine—as I’m conversing with someone and need external verification about my feelings.  You might want to try this trick too.


Ask How an Art Therapist in Austin, TX Will Work with You

Once you’re clear about paying attention to your feelings, it’s time to zero in on the questions you have up your sleeve.  Definitely ask about how the art therapist in Austin, TX works with clients and might work with your issues in particular.

Some art therapists are predominantly structured in their approach, meaning they’ll take a fairly prescriptive stance and recommend experiences that involve certain materials and methods to address your needs, while other art therapists take an unstructured approach.  This would involve a more carte-blanche opportunity for you to select materials and methods on your own as you apply yourself toward your psychological goals.

In my work with clients, I take a structured approach or unstructured approach according to client needs.  Oftentimes a mix of approaches is used over the course of treatment.  This is customized on a client-by-client basis, as there are benefits and drawbacks to each approach and it’s my job as an art therapist to know which approach to use when and why.


Find Out How You’ll Know That Progress is Being Made in Art Therapy

Ask how you’ll be able to tell that progress is being made.  You have a right to know how an art therapist in Austin, TX tracks progress, as art therapy is an experiential treatment that leaves behind a trail of breadcrumbs in the form of your art products.

These will undoubtedly factor into the art therapist’s assessment of the changes you’re making.  But it’s not just the art products themselves that tell the tale of change; shifts in your artmaking process and in your responses to both the process and the products will offer clues about progress being made, as will a few other things—hopefully including your own perspective!

I collect feedback about client perspective in each session.  This ensures that I’m in step with each client and can understand how they are looking at our work together.  I can make adjustments to the way I deliver treatment if I’m aware that a client isn’t seeing the progress I’m seeing—or if I’m not seeing the progress a client is. 


Ask Logistical Questions About Art Therapy in Austin, TX

After you’ve gotten pretty clear info about how an art therapist’s personality meshes with yours and whether their working style makes sense according to the way you like to operate when you’re collaborating with someone, it’s time to ask questions that are more logistical in nature.  How long are sessions?  What is the fee?

Pay attention to the answers and do your math; someone who offers longer sessions will likely have a fee that corresponds with these.  It doesn’t mean they’re more expensive.  Divide the fee by how many minutes the session is; that might be a better way to do a cost comparison between art therapists if you have to make a choice between two people you’d really like to work with and money is an issue.

Standard psychotherapy sessions are 45-60 minutes long, but mine are 75.  The session fee is set accordingly.

Being able to offer longer sessions allows me to work more deeply and create opportunities for clients to sustain optimal flow experiences in their nervous systems.  There’s some exciting research about the benefits of flow experiences to combat burnout and support well-being, so I want the clients I work with to go with the flow!   


Ask About Your Responsibilities When Working with an Art Therapist in Austin, TX

Lastly, you’ll want to inquire about what YOUR responsibilities are.  All art therapy clients have responsibilities, and these may vary from art therapist to art therapist in Austin, TX.

Generally speaking, therapy doesn’t happen without the client’s active participation in the process.  What does that mean according to the art therapist you’re talking to?  And are you willing to live up to those responsibilities?

I tell clients they are responsible for their 50% of our partnership.  What that looks like is agreeing to regularly scheduled weekly sessions, showing up for these sessions, and literally taking action to engage in a creative process that maximizes neural integration and the production of new physical, emotional, and intellectual outcomes.  This is how they can do their part to change the course of burnout.        


Get a Free Therapy Consultation in Austin, TX

Are you ready to glow and grow beyond the limitations of anxiety, depression, and stress? Contact me for a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation. We’ll explore your goals and how the right plan with the right therapist can help you create the life you want to live.

If you’re on the fence about whether online art therapy is for you, see my About page to learn how I support people in creating their way out of overwhelm, unhappiness and burnout. Isn’t it your turn to shine bright?


FAQs About Art Therapy in Austin, TX


Finding an Art Therapist in Austin, TX