Finding a Counselor, Psychologist, or Therapist in Austin, TX

finding a therapist in Austin doesn’t have to be like looking for this needle in a haystack

Have you checked the latest stats on how many people move into the Austin, TX area each day???  The music, the vibe, the creativity—it all keeps newcomers comin’ and old-timers stayin’.

While the secret’s long been out that Austin, TX is a great place to live, that doesn’t mean life in Austin is always great.  Think about the hopelessness of the freeways, for example.  And the possibility of loneliness in the middle of all those people.  Sometimes it rains, sometimes it’s cold, and sometimes you feel anxious, depressed, and stressed.

It can all be a little overwhelming, and so can the thought of finding support.  That’s why I’d like to help you find someone who can help YOU.  Why?  Because you deserve it!  Finding a therapist in Austin, TX doesn’t have to be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I Want to Help You Find a Therapist in Austin, TX

The first thing you can do is ask yourself whether you need someone to hold you accountable for making positive changes in your life or if you need someone to help you sort through yesterday’s garbage (with a little of today’s thrown in) to clean out your mind and your heart so you can enjoy your life and make good choices in the present and the future.

Should You Work with a Life Coach or Therapist in Austin, TX?

If accountability is your thing, you might be looking for a life coach.  A life coach can work with you in a way that generally doesn’t intersect with the traditional medical community; they’re not providing a service that’s recognized by the state as “healthcare”, so your goals would typically center around topics such as business and career, diet and fitness, finances and life skills, or sports and performance.

Life coaches aren’t licensed in Texas, meaning that there’s no government regulation of these professionals.  They cannot diagnose and treat mental wellness issues, and there are no laws requiring them to protect your private information in the same way therapists do. 

What a Therapist in Austin, TX Can Do

Make no mistake—therapists are also qualified to provide accountability.  Many therapists do work that’s similar to life coaching, but they also have the education and training needed to help people deal with thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as they come to the surface.

So if sorting and cleaning what’s inside is your thing, you are looking for a licensed mental health professional—a counselor, psychologist, or therapist.  (For ease, I’ll just use the term “therapist”.)

Therapists are licensed by the state and required to abide by standards that keep your information private and protect your confidentiality as well as your dignity.  They can diagnose and treat a variety of mental wellness issues—some professionals focus on working with just a few issues and become highly skilled in these areas.

What Are You Really Looking For?

Once you’ve figured out whether you need a life coach or a therapist, you can identify what exactly you want to work on—naming the issue will help you figure out if you want to work with someone who specializes in that area.  For example, I work with helping professionals who identify with burnout.

Do You Know What You Like?

You can also think about any preferences you have for how you want your services delivered.  To give you an idea, there’s online therapy and there’s in-person therapy.  There’s art therapy and there’s talk therapy.  There are more kinds of service delivery, but these examples will give you a starting place for thinking about how you want to do the work ahead.

Time to Search for a Therapist in Austin, TX

After you’ve named what you want to work on and how you want to work on it, go to a search engine and type in the issue and service delivery method, along with “therapist in Austin, TX” (or “life coach in Austin, TX”).  See what comes up in the search results and begin looking for someone whose info really grabs you—does what they’ve put online seem like it’s speaking to you, as if the person knows you already?  That’s a good sign!

I’d suggest contacting anyone whose online info floats your boat, even if you think you might not be their ideal client.  Chances are, the two of you might click during a brief phone call—called a consultation—and wind up making an appointment with each other!  And that’ll put you on the road to where you ultimately want to go.

Get a Free Therapy Consultation in Austin, TX

I hope the info above will help you find your ideal therapist (or life coach) in Austin, TX.  And if you’re struggling with the compassion fatigue, vicarious traumatization, and secondary traumatic stress that often go along with being someone who gives their all to others, you can read how I help at my About page.

Ready to take action and start creating the life you want to live? Contact me for a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation to learn how online art therapy can support you in making your vision a reality. 


Questions to Ask a Counselor, Psychologist, or Therapist in Austin, TX


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