Questions to Ask a Counselor, Psychologist, or Therapist in Austin, TX

ASK neon sign, inviting you to ask questions when interviewing therapists in Austin, Texas

Rumor has it there are more therapists in Austin, TX than in Dallas and Houston combined!  So while that means you get to be choosy (and who doesn’t want to be choosy???), it also means you get to interview therapists to make sure you pick the best therapist in Austin, TX for YOU.

Most therapists offer a free, brief phone conversation to help you both figure out if you’re a good match. What should you ask during this complimentary consultation call?

Ask an Austin, TX Therapist About How They Work with Your issue

First of all, know that it’s ok to want a therapist who’s easy to work with and fits with your style.  As you ask questions, pay attention to how you feel when the therapist responds.  Are you excited, like you’re talking to someone who gets you?  That’s a good sign!

It helps if you can be specific about what you’re looking for.  What issue do you most want to work on with a therapist?  Name it!  Then ask whether the therapist has experience working with this.  How do they work with this?  It’s important for you to get an understanding of what your healing journey might look like with this person.

Ask a Therapist in Austin, TX How Long It’ll Take

You’ll be more comfortable with things if you get a sense of how long treatment might last.  While it’s true that no therapist has a crystal ball, they should be able to tell you whether they work with people on a short-term or a long-term basis.  Some issues require less treatment, and some require more.

There are a lot of other factors to consider that are unique to your situation, like whether you have things going on in your life that will challenge your expected progress.  Tell the therapist about such things and ask if the treatment they offer can accommodate your circumstances.

Ask About Payment for Therapy in Austin, TX

You and your potential therapist need to be on the same page about how much therapy will cost you.  Are you going to use insurance?  Then you should ask if the therapist accepts yours.  Make sure you know if you have an HMO or a PPO.  Those are different kinds of insurance policies, and your insurance card will probably indicate which one you have.

If the therapist doesn’t accept your insurance and you'd like to seek reimbursement from your insurance company after paying the therapist, don't be afraid to ask about how reimbursement happens.  Knowing this could help you get some or all of your money back.

Skipping insurance altogether?  If you book an actual appointment with the therapist and plan to pay out of pocket, the federal No Surprises Act allows you to request a Good Faith Estimate of how much therapy will cost.  This should be sent to you before your first session, so don’t be afraid to mention it during the consultation call!

Ask About What to Expect During Therapy in Austin, TX

Then there’s asking about the therapy sessions themselves.  Will they be in an office somewhere, or will they be online?  Will the therapist give you advice, or will they let you discover your own wisdom?

And of course, you should inquire about what it takes to graduate.  The client actually has responsibilities to make sure therapy moves toward goal achievement, so you’ll want to ask what those responsibilities are.

A Free Therapy Consultation in Austin, TX

I hope the info above will help you find your ideal therapist in Austin, TX.  Ready to take action and create the life you want to live? Contact me for a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation.  We’ll explore how online art therapy can help you turn your vision into reality.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, and stress, please know you don’t have to face this alone. Learn how I support others through online art therapy—and how art therapy can resolve these conditions—at my About page.


FAQs About Coaching, Counseling, Psychotherapy, and Therapy in Austin, TX


Finding a Counselor, Psychologist, or Therapist in Austin, TX